Pelvic Health Wellness
Your Partner in Pelvic Health
This service is offered for females over the age of 65 years old to learn about conservative strategies in optimizing pelvic health. It does NOT replace an evaluation and treatment with a pelvic physical therapist but rather assists in developing self-management and a strategic plan moving forward.
Medicare or supplemental healthcare insurance DOES NOT cover this service.
Payment is due at the time of service for $100.
This service is available both in office as well as through TeleRehab. Feel free to call for more information.
During the 60 minute visit with Dr. Lori O’Neill, PT, DPT concepts and solutions for the following and more will be discussed based on individual needs:
Reducing urinary/fecal incontinence, urge or frequency
Controlling risk factors and management of pelvic organ prolapse
Optimizing natural pelvic floor muscle performance - are Kegel’s working?
Strategies for painful intercourse
Movement strategies for promoting inner core muscle stability
Dietary influences in pelvic health and pain reduction
Special considerations with pelvic/abdominal surgery, menopause, cancer treatments
Community networking and referral recommendations
*** Due to the mandatory claims submission rule, Medicare patients are not able to pay cash out-of-pocket for otherwise covered Medicare physical therapy services provided by a Non-participating Medicare Provider. Vitality PT is a non-participating Medicare Provider. Referral options for any recommended service including pelvic physical therapy will be determined at the Pelvic Health Wellness Visit.